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10 Refranes Of October

10 Refranes of October


Refranes are popular sayings that express truths or wisdom about life. They are often used to give advice, teach a lesson, or simply make a point. Refranes are found in all cultures and languages, and they can vary greatly from region to region. In this blog post, we will explore 10 refranes that are associated with the month of October. These refranes offer insights into the changing seasons, the importance of hard work, and the beauty of life.

1. "En octubre, la castaña en el brasero."

This refran means that in October, the chestnuts are roasting on the open fire. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when chestnuts are harvested. Chestnuts are a popular food in many cultures, and they are often roasted over an open fire.

2. "Octubre, mes de frutos y de labores."

This refran means that October is a month of fruit and hard work. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when many fruits and vegetables are harvested. It is also a time when farmers are busy preparing for the winter months.

3. "Octubre, mes de vendimia."

This refran means that October is the month of the grape harvest. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when grapes are harvested. Grapes are used to make wine, and wine is a popular drink in many cultures.

4. "En octubre, el que no siembra, no come."

This refran means that if you don't plant in October, you won't eat. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when farmers plant their crops. If they don't plant their crops in October, they won't have any food to eat in the winter months.

5. "Octubre, mes de cambio y mutación."

This refran means that October is a month of change and transformation. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when the seasons change. The days get shorter, the nights get longer, and the leaves on the trees change color.

6. "Octubre, mes de los difuntos."

This refran means that October is the month of the dead. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day are celebrated. These holidays are dedicated to remembering the dead.

7. "Agua de octubre, sana para todo el año."

This refran means that the water that falls in October is good for your health. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when the rains begin to fall. The rains help to wash away the impurities from the air and the ground, and they also help to replenish the water supply.

8. "En octubre, el cielo se viste de luto."

This refran means that in October, the sky is dressed in mourning. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when the days get shorter and the nights get longer. The sky is often overcast with clouds, and it can be a gloomy time of year.

9. "Julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, no son los mejores meses del año."

This refran means that July, August, September, and October are not the best months of the year. This is a reference to the fact that these months are often hot and humid, and they can be a difficult time for people to stay cool and comfortable.

10. "Octubre, mes de la esperanza."

This refran means that October is the month of hope. This is a reference to the fact that October is the time of year when the crops are harvested. The harvest is a time of hope for farmers, as it means that they will have food to eat for the winter months.


The refranes of October offer a rich and varied insight into the changing seasons, the importance of hard work, and the beauty of life.

Refranes Octubre
